Lyli Meets the Stone-Muncher

Lyli Meets the Stone-Muncher Celine Eimann IP Kids Celine has given this story a real fable feel, even though it is brand new it seems like something you might have read as a child.  In the fantasy land of Motika the city is surrounded by dense crystal mountain ranges which are impenetrable.  This means the city is highly concentrated and buildings are tall with little space to spare.  … Continue reading Lyli Meets the Stone-Muncher

The Sky Dreamer

The Sky Dreamer Anne Morgan and Celine Eimann IP Kids The Sky Dreamer is one of those special stories designed to reach a specific audience.  In this case siblings of children who have passed away. The Sky Dreamer tells of a sad little boy called Liam.  Having lost his sister recently to a terminal illness he is struggling to cope with the grief and focus … Continue reading The Sky Dreamer